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Garbh Sanskar: Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar during Garbhavastha 2024

Garbh Sanskar is one of the 16 Sanskars recommended for human beings, characterized by four main elements: Behaviour (Aachar), thoughts (Vichar), diet (Aahar), and lifestyle (Vihar).

What is Garbh Sanskar? and What is done in Garbh Sanskar?

Garbh Sanskar originates from Sanskrit, where “Garbh” signifies “womb” or “fetus,” and “Sanskar” means teaching good things or instilling good values. Garbh Sanskar during garbhavastha is an ancient Indian way of teaching good things to the unborn baby during pregnancy. 

In Indian tradition, there’s a belief that education commences from the moment of conception. This is why elders advise pregnant women to maintain positive thoughts and emotions throughout their pregnancy. Wondering about the timing to initiate Garbh Sanskar? It’s recommended to start around the seventh month when unborn babies begin to hear and respond to their parents’ voices, various sounds, and music. Commencing Garbh Sanskar during the initial three months of pregnancy is generally considered safe. However, it’s crucial to consult your doctor before starting to ensure it’s suitable for both you and your baby. In this blog, we’ll delve into how to practice Garbh Sanskar at home in a manner that promotes the well-being of both you and your baby.

When should a pregnant woman begin Garbh Sanskar?‍

According to experts, Garbh Sanskar practices should commence three months prior to conception. Consuming Satvik food and performing Naadi Shuddhi can cleanse and purify the body, preparing it for a healthy conception.

Upon receiving the joyous news of pregnancy, it’s crucial to recognize that gene-environment interaction begins immediately. Your psychological, physiological, and genetic environment starts influencing the tiny embryo from the outset. It’s time to create a schedule of activities to initiate Garbh Sanskar practices without delay!

As emphasized by the GoPreg App, dedicating just 20 minutes a day is all that’s required, provided you know which activities to undertake each week. Download the app for guidance on how to proceed.

What are Ayurvedic Garbh Samskara's benefits?

Garbh Sanskar holds immense importance for the overall well-being of both the expectant mother and the unborn child, encompassing their physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. The thoughts, emotions, and actions of the mother profoundly influence the growth and development of the child in the womb. Garbh Sanskar serves to:

  1. Foster a strong connection between the mother and the unborn child.
  2. Enhance the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the mother throughout pregnancy.
  3. Facilitate the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development of the unborn child.
  4. Cultivate a positive environment in the womb, ensuring the birth of a healthy and contented baby.
  5. Equip the parents with the necessary skills and mindset for their forthcoming roles as nurturers and mentors.

Scientific View on Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar during Garbhavastha

The benefits of Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar are not only rooted in ancient Indian wisdom but also corroborated by modern scientific research. Here are some scientific perspectives on Garbh Sanskar:

1. 80% Brain Development

Modern scientific research indicates that a newborn possesses 100 billion neurons. Brain development commences on the 16th day of pregnancy and continues until delivery, with approximately 2.5 lakh neurons developing every minute during this period.

2. Babies Can Listen and Remember in the Mother’s Womb

Studies have demonstrated that babies in the mother’s womb are capable of hearing. Therefore, it is advised to be cautious about the conversations held around pregnant mothers. The fetus can perceive sounds from its mother and surroundings and retain these memories even after birth.

3. Language Learning Begins in the Mother’s Womb

Language acquisition is recognized as one of the most intricate forms of learning. Modern research has established that newborns as young as an hour old can distinguish between the sounds of their native language and a foreign language.

4. Impact of Stress and Negativity on Pregnancy

Recent research indicates that stress, anxiety, and excessive negativity during pregnancy can potentially shorten the gestation period and contribute to preterm delivery. Conversely, maintaining a positive attitude and engaging in activities that promote mental well-being and happiness can enhance neuronal connections.

In summary, from a modern scientific standpoint, it is advisable for mothers to adopt a positive, joyful, and stress-free lifestyle during pregnancy, aligning with the principles advocated by ancient Indian science, namely, Garbhsanskar.

Garbh Sanskar Activities for a pregnant woman.

Garbh Sanskar advises that a pregnant woman should strive to be emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. With certain lifestyle adjustments, transforming both mind and body is achievable. The GoPreg App has embraced this philosophy as the cornerstone of all its sections. The six golden rules for Garbh Sanskar are as follows:

1. Relaxing with Calming Music: 

Initially, the baby may not be able to hear, but don’t underestimate their ability to benefit from the good hormones released with calming music. Classical music, gentle sounds like lullabies, and uplifting melodies are all excellent choices. During the third trimester, as the baby begins to hear, it becomes even more crucial to select soothing music. Ragas such as Malkauns, Shaant, Bageshwari, Yaman, and Bhairav are also considered beneficial for a child’s growth. Explore pregnancy music on the GoPreg App.

2. Pregnancy Meditation:

With the pressures of pregnancy, unsolicited advice, and the stress of daily life, it’s possible for the mind to become filled with anger and irritability, which can be harmful to the baby. Regular meditation can mitigate these risks. Discover meditation activities on the GoPreg App.

3. Pregnancy Yoga:

Yoga not only prepares the body for delivery and alleviates pregnancy discomfort but also benefits the unborn baby by improving blood circulation and oxygenation. Access yoga practices on the GoPreg App.

4. A Healthy Pregnancy Diet:

Garbh Sanskar promotes a balanced diet that includes all nutrients, freshly prepared food, and is ‘Satvik’, incorporating all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent). This diet maintains the equilibrium of the tridoshas (vata, pitta, kapha) and the pancha mahabhutas (earth, water, fire, air, and ether). Explore pregnancy diet and recipes on the GoPreg App.

5. Creative Pursuits and Hobbies:

Engaging in creative activities such as pottery, painting, gardening, or sewing can have calming effects on the brain and body, akin to meditation. Explore creative activities for both left and right brain growth on the GoPreg App.

6. Communicating with Your Unborn Child:

According to Ayurveda, the unborn baby is connected with the mother’s mind from conception and can understand her emotions and feelings. Initiating communication with the child as early as the first month of pregnancy is encouraged. Talking, singing, or reading to the baby in the womb can aid in their brain development. Explore ‘Talk to the Baby’ activities on the GoPreg App.

How does a pregnant woman establish a connection with her baby through Garbh Sanskar?

Suppose you watched a web series today filled with murders and violence. Were you aware that the thoughts it provoked in you immediately reached the baby? Conversely, Garbh Sanskar operates oppositely.

According to Garbh Sanskar, listening to harmonious music or reading uplifting literature transmits positive qualities or “Satwa Guna” to the baby. The baby is influenced by the mother’s positive thoughts, her exposure to pleasant music, and her engagement with stories of virtuous deeds.

Mothers wield tremendous power, second only to that of a deity, in instilling certain qualities within us. Indeed, women possess the ability to shape the human mind even within the womb. The period when a human’s DNA can be altered is solely during gestation, with mothers playing a pivotal role.

Scientific evidence demonstrates that a fetus can respond to external stimuli experienced by the mother. If the mother is unhappy or grappling with stress, fear, or anxiety during pregnancy, it exerts negative pressure on the baby’s nervous system.

In essence, the connection can be likened to a ‘Mental’ Umbilical Cord. The pregnant woman influences her baby through:

  • Her diet 
  • Oxygen levels 
  • Stress and anxiety 
  • Mental activities 
  • Physical activities 

Mythological Significance of Garbh Sanskar

In the Indian Hindu culture, one of the most renowned tales of Garbh Sanskar is the story of Abhimanyu from the Mahabharata. During the pregnancy of Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu, Arjuna imparted to his wife the knowledge of penetrating Chakravyuh, a complex war formation. As a young warrior in the Kurukshetra war, Abhimanyu recalled the strategy his father had shared with his mother while he was still in the womb.

In the Puranas, the story of Prahlad is recounted. Born into a family of demons who were adversaries of the Gods in heaven, Prahlad’s mother immersed herself in devotional prayers and tales about Lord Vishnu during her pregnancy. As a result, Prahlad became a devout follower of Lord Vishnu, embodying goodness and renouncing all evil. His adherence to righteousness ultimately led to the downfall of his father’s wicked empire, which is also seen as the outcome of divine education through Garbh Sanskar.

These Garbh Sanskar practices aim to create a harmonious atmosphere in the womb for the baby’s growth while also promoting the mother’s physical and mental well-being, making pregnancy a memorable experience. Follow these helpful guidelines:

  • Speak aloud, not just in your mind.
  • Share stories with morals.
  • Recollect stories from your childhood.
  • Encourage the father to communicate with the baby.
  • Directly address the baby.
  • Refer to yourself in the third person: “Mumma loves you baby, she is waiting for you.”
  • Minimize background noises like those from the TV or phone while talking.
  • Recite chants or texts from holy scriptures aloud.
  • Sing a song to the baby. 

Explore ‘Talk to the Baby’ activities on the GoPreg App for further guidance.

Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar Video

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

The question of "When should one start Garbh Sanskar?" or "From which month should Garbh Sanskar begin?" frequently arises among expectant mothers. It's crucial to recognize that Garbh Sanskar isn't merely a practice but a lifestyle that both prospective and pregnant couples should integrate into their daily lives. According to Ayurveda, couples should commence Garbh Sanskar from the moment they decide to conceive. It is recommended to adopt a happy, healthy, positive, and joyful lifestyle at least six months before attempting to conceive, and to maintain it throughout the pregnancy. Even if you discover the concept of Garbh Sanskar later in your pregnancy, initiating the practice at any stage can still be beneficial. However, consistency is key—it should be diligently practiced every day from the moment you become aware of this profound science.

It's never too late to begin incorporating Garbhsanskar practices into your pregnancy routine, even at the seventh month stage. Garbhsanskar is a daily lifestyle that requires consistent practice. Even if you've only recently discovered the concept, starting to practice it now can still yield significant benefits. By the seventh month, your baby is nearly fully developed, and your emotions, thoughts, and actions can profoundly influence their development. At this stage, your baby's ability to grasp is at its peak, underscoring the importance of integrating Garbh Sanskar practices.

It's crucial not to miss the opportunity to practice Garbh Sanskar, especially in the final trimester of pregnancy. Even if you can only follow and practice it for the last 15 days, it can still offer benefits compared to not doing so.

Garbhsanskar transcends being solely a holy ritual; it embodies a comprehensive approach to prenatal care rooted in ancient Indian wisdom. This holistic practice encompasses various elements such as yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), reading, and dietary guidelines, all aimed at fostering the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of both the mother and the baby.

While certain aspects of Garbh Sanskar may carry spiritual or cultural significance, its overarching goal is to cultivate a supportive and positive environment for the developing fetus while enhancing the health and wellness of the mother.

No, Garbh Sanskar does not vary with religion, and we are not advocating for any particular religion through this process. Our aim is to encourage pregnant women to adopt a healthy and joyful lifestyle (Aachar, Vichar, Aahar, and Vihar) for their baby's brain development.

Researchers have been captivated by the relationship between pregnant women and their unborn babies for decades.

Between 70% to 80% of pregnant women undergo either prolonged depression or experience a phase of baby-blues. It's crucial to recognize that systemic variations caused by hormonal, emotional, mental, and physical factors affect a pregnant woman's sleep patterns, ability to perform daily tasks, and overall quality of life.

Sleep deprivation results in a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal gland. While grappling with exhaustion and distress, pregnant women also contend with fears related to impending childbirth, dwindling joint-family support, and urban stressors, exacerbating their anxieties.

Bowlby's study revealed that if a pregnant woman fails to establish a connection with her unborn baby, there can be irreversible mental health consequences for the child.

The mental state of the pregnant woman profoundly influences the cognitive and noncognitive development of the unborn baby. When she is calm and at peace, the baby experiences significant benefits, including higher self-esteem and a sense of personal control. Conversely, the opposite scenario leads to increased incidences of uterine growth retardation, preterm labor, prolonged labor, fetal heart rate decline, low birth weight, increased cesarean section rates, postnatal neurobehavioral problems, and developmental disorders.

Research demonstrated that a mother's anxiety during pregnancy predicted persistently higher behavioral and emotional symptoms throughout childhood, with no decrease in effect into adolescence. It was associated with a twofold increase in the risk of a probable mental disorder in her child.

Conversely, a nurturing maternal environment fosters brain development.Garbh Sanskar practices effectively promote maternal wellness.

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